
Showing posts from January, 2018

Chicago Lakefront 50/50

Lakefront 50/50 October 26th, 2017  On the spur of the moment this spring i decided that if I could run a marathon, there's no reason I couldn't do a 50k (it's just 5 more miles, lol, yeah okay). So I signed up for one in Chicago. It's said to be the flattest and fastest. The flat aspect was most important to me, and that it was on a paved trail next to Lake Michigan.  Ever since my first marathon I have wondered if ultra running is more welcoming and encouraging to those of us who take longer to finish. I was disappointed in myself at my first marathon, but I was also really bummed that everything was gone... the aid stations got shut down, they closed the course, there was no food left at the finish line, just complete abandonment by the race officials and race directors.  If my friends hadn't been there, I probably wouldn't even have finished as I wouldn't have known where the finish line was even located. but I digress.... My parents really wanted ...

Looking back....looking forward

I found this idea on a Facebook post - it isn't mine, but i love it and i'm going to work on each of these questions this weekend. today I'm starting with my highlights of 2017. The highlights of 2017 would be Melissa and Kathy showing up at mile 17 of my first marathon with a cookie and Jessica running with me the last quarter of a mile at that same race. Baby J being born was a highlight, because anytime a baby is welcomed into the world it is a wonderful day. Having my parents at my 50k was huge. I am very glad they got to be there and see me finish a race, they stood outside in the cold and worried for nearly 9 hours about me. The entire weekend of the Chicago Marathon will go down as a highlight. Running that race with Elina and Paula was The.Best. Melissa surprising me at my first official triathlon - such a great day.