2019 - Living my best life

2019 is here, and with it comes some big goals. I've got 3 major races and then I'll add some half marathons in the mix. The biggest race is the 50 miler in April, then the 24 hour race in June. I'm going to try and do 3 triathlons this summer, plus a 62 mile bike ride. Then I'll finish the fall off with another 50 miler. Training hasn't been going well until just recently. I made these commitments to myself and I am going to start following my plans so I can accomplish my goals. My 50 miler plan has me running 5 times a week. I'm going to stick with 3 times a week for right now and add 5 bicycle sessions and 2 swim sessions. Closer to the race I'll add more running. I'm really excited about this year, I am staying closer to home and hopefully will be able to stay healthy and uninjured.