We are all just walking each other home.....

February 10, 2018. an important person in my life died. not a relative; not someone i saw on a daily basis; or even a yearly basis actually, but so important in my life. it's been a month and i'm still sad. maybe i wouldn't have been so sad if i could go to the memorial service, but it just wasn't something i could get to. The problem is, i don't want to go to any of my other trips now either. The planning used to excite me and now it seems just a struggle.
I couldn't finish this at the time.... it's tough to say goodbye to someone who has been in your life, your entire life. Whose life is intertwined with your childhood, your parent's lives and an amazing trip to Spain. It's been months and I still cry at the loss... but I have small reminders that let me think good thoughts, happy thoughts, and I know you are up there cheering me on. RIP Nancy. 💔💔💔


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